


Current Working:


since 2019

Spoken Tutorial Maker

FOSSEE Submission (First Coded Website)


Approxiamately 1 week


Bounce Party


15-20 Days


bounce party

Gameplay Overview

Bounce Party is an Android Game

View on Playstore

Club Experiences

SSAC Club SGGS Study Abroad Club / Community


@SSAC Community

Inherited the role at Community for Study Abroad Aspirants connected with Mentor Alumni studying / working abroad

SWAG Developers Club SGGS Web App and Games / Graphics

Game / Graphics Coordinator

@SWAG Dev Club

Technical Club Founded with my Friends named as SGGS Web App Game / Graphics

College First Day

( 23/12/2021 )

First Year Starts

Shoperse (First Internship)

It was a startup about Metaverse, where I developed some 3D Environments which a First Person + Third Person VR Controlled Character can explore and interact with, alone or in a group (Multiplayer)


6 Months


first person controller multiplayer and 3d modellingTechnologies used: Unity 3D Engine, C# Programming Language, Blender for 3D Models
  • Creation of a dynamic 3D character controller for immersive experiences.
  • Design and implementation of explorable and interactable 3D environments.
  • Successful integration of multiplayer functionality using the Photon Engine, including a lobby system, invite codes, and both private and public rooms.
  • Utilization of Blender for meticulous 3D modeling and texturing of intricate objects.
  • Seamless integration of character selection and generation through ReadyPlayerMe
  • Establishment of a connection between Unity and web browsers for enhanced accessibility.
  • Implementation of various features, including a tool for measuring the length of 3D spaces between user-defined points.
  • Cutscenes Animations in Unity
  • Some short realistic animations using Unreal Engine

First Year Ends | 21 July 2022

Second Year Starts | 01 Aug 2022

Team Maker

I was in Second Year now, and felt like the new Freshers can make use of some website like this for creating their groups for the mini project subject in First Year. (๐Ÿ˜…Even did some promotion in their classes)


10 Days


Team Maker

Team Maker: website for building teams by sharing ideas and other people can join in your group to make it together with you

RPS 101 choices

The Classic Rock Paper Scissors Game but with a twist! (101 choices instead 3).
Tried to make it Fun rather than professional, as it should be.


1 Day


RPS 101 Choices

RPS 101 Choices: Rock Paper Scissors Game with 101 choices, with multiple choices

Guess the Number Game

The Classic Guess the Number Game, But you can choose the no. of CPU players (upto 4)


1 Day


Guess the Number Game

Guess the number game: Choose range of number, and try to guess a random number which is generated between that range

Baka Network

Anime Recommendation Website

I was recommending a lot of animes to my friends and also taking their Recommendation, So thought why not => Website for recommending your favorite anime to your friends! For Weebs by Weeb ๐Ÿ˜


4 Days


Baka Network

Baka Network: Website for Anime Recommendation

Mini Games

Was playing games with friends in my off time. Then it clicked me, A Website for Games made by Students, This could be useful for both productivity and entertainment.


4 Day


Mini Games

MiniGames Website: Website for students to upload their games and anyone can redirect and play their games on this website

Hackathon Website (Winner)

Winner in the 36 Hours long (continuos) Hackathon competition hosted by our college (between various colleges)

Theme was to develope a Website for Institute for saving papers


3 Day


Hackathon Website

MiniGames Website: Website for students to upload their games and anyone can redirect and play their games on this website
Trial User - User: abcd@sggs.ac.in | Password:abcdef

4 Player Dice Game

I was learning VueJS, So developed this game while learning VueJS

In this Game, Player has to roll 6 to move forward. First one reaching border wins.


1 Week


4 Player Dice Game

4 Player Dice Game: A 4 Players Game which is based completely on luck. Players has to roll dices one by one as per turn and one with 6 will move forward.

Second Year Ends | 19 May 2023

A Simple React package to generate random "Github like" pixel profiles, but comes with some more options.


yuvis-profile-generator Showcase

A Showcase website that uses this package to demonstrate its usage and features


1 Month


yuvis-profile-generator package showcase website